To run fast in business, you need to know how to stop!
STOP-LOOKaround-GO!® (SLG) – is a methodology for designing and implementing an effective business development strategy, taking into account the industry specifics, environmental volatility (so-called AGILE STRATEGIES), and best market solutions. It also includes the idea of building STRATEGIC CYCLES for various periods, including unforeseen situations:
We specialize in BUILDING AND IMPLEMENTING EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES for companies. Creating a good strategy is as important as its implementation, progress monitoring, and skillfully modifying it to respond to what is happening in the market. Sometimes the conditions we operate in resemble the story of running with wheelbarrows that no one has time to load. As Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
So, when and why do we need a business strategy, new directions, and ways of operating?:
- When our business is thriving, revenue is increasing, profitability exceeds the budget – do we need anything else? – Certainly actions to ensure continued growth.
- When everything is going wrong, we are struggling with another restructuring, results are far from expected, and amidst the workload, there’s no time for anything because the day is too short, what do we need? – A breakthrough to shift us to a different position.
- When something unpredictable happens – we live in a VUCA world, causing total changes in the business environment. When existing rules of the game change practically overnight, and the company struggles with the basics of its operations. Consider the impact of the coronavirus.
ADOPTING THE STRATEGY: “I’m uncertain, but I’m taking action…” What steps do I need to take now? Write to us about what you’re facing? Survival sometimes depends on a single short OPERATIONAL CYCLE. - When the company seems to be developing quite normally, we undertake many activities, attend numerous meetings, and there’s still no time. Bill Gates once said that a company grows inversely proportional to the number of PowerPoint meetings required to make a single decision. What do we need?
Certainly, a strategy for a significant leap forward. This is exactly what our certified STOP-LOOK-GO® program is for:
- STOP – DIAGNOSIS – what is it like?, where are we? – a methodology involving stopping, taking a snapshot of the company – identifying the problem, defining it, and presenting it. It often starts by breaking out of the company environment where “inside the box” thinking prevents us from seeing many things around us. We assess where we are as a company/organization, the strength of our team, its advantages, and how it collaborates. What are we doing well, and what can we learn from others?
- LOOKaround – POTENTIAL – what is the market like? where is our competition? where should we be? – the next stage involves deep observation and analysis of the situation, emerging changes, trends, opportunities, difficulties, and objections. Finding “operational gaps” and “potential windows.” Looking at the market through the eyes of the customer, competitors, asking the right questions, listening to independent experts, and sparring partners, and finding effective strategies from other industries. The goal is to explore new spaces, activate creativity where our actions will bring the greatest results. Redefining value for the customer, finding a niche, or consciously setting the pace in the core area of our business.
- GO! –ACTION – where do we want to be? how will we do it?, why?– the final stage involves making the right decisions and actions. Defining milestones, setting priorities, planning actions, launching projects, and necessary initiatives to move us to where we want to be!
Each of the companies mentioned above needs a properly tailored strategy and methodology to develop it. That’s what the strategy-building program STOP-LOOK-GO!® and SLG strategic cycles are for, using appropriate analyses, tools, predictions for a changing environment, and tools for action in high volatility and uncertainty (VUCA world) to review the company’s current state and set it on new tracks.
Working mode through analyses, meetings, discussions, and workshops provides an opportunity to discuss and address challenges, potentials, and currently perceived problems through the lens of the company’s goals today and in the future.
“We have been cooperating with 4VALUE Business Consulting for several years on many levels. We started with a strategy-building project using the STOP-LOOK-GO!® methodology. The method allows both creative strategy development and its adaptation to the changing market situation. It takes into account the current perspective as well as action plans for the short and long term.” Adam Czerw, General Manager LEO PHARMA
For the stability of the company, and sometimes even for its survival, it is necessary to have the ability to build and verify strategies in so-called STRATEGIC CYCLES, i.e., a specific time during which certain operating conditions occur! This also requires practicing STRATEGIC THINKING, which means that every situation, phenomenon, or technology can have good and bad developments. Predicting how development waves will spread in each area is an extremely interesting and important element of company growth.
Bill Gates takes a “thinking week” every year, Steve Jobs went to India to meditate, and Warren Buffett disconnects from all information to invest in value, following the principle – don’t buy anything recommended by Wall Street. What do they know that we’re missing?
STOP-LOOK-GO!® is also a Certified Strategic Workshop that allows us to stop and go through these areas: what is it like?, where are we?, what is the market like? where is our competition?, where do we want to be?, how will we do it and why? Then, proceed to execution. SLG is an innovative methodology for building and changing company strategies. It involves developing paths for further effective growth, including them in the company’s new action plan, and their implementation and monitoring. An essential part of every strategy implementation is supporting key people after its introduction – that’s why we also offer support in implementing the strategy through our program – Virtual Board Member® – a permanent operational advisory program for company Owners or Boards.
“Our passion is creating value and growth for our clients”
Nomination for the BUSINESS CHAMPION award for 4VALUE Business Consulting
We are pleased to announce that our company has been nominated for the BUSINESS CHAMPION award for its significant contribution to economic development, and especially for the strategic approach to company development using the STOP-LOOK-GO! methodology.
The award is granted by the EUROPEAN CENTER FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT and the portal The award aims to honor companies that promote a positive image of the Polish economy, respect the principles of responsible business, and inspire the use of good practices. They are characterized by responsibility, reliability, and partnership, setting a model for other economic entities.
The STOP – LOOKaround – GO!® methodology is a milestone and the beginning of groundbreaking strategies for company development. How it can help:
- A strategy in dynamic CYCLES is a tool that helps companies adapt to a changing, dynamic reality.
- It applies to small, medium, large, and global companies.
- It unites the entire team around key goals and provides tools to achieve them.
- It helps scale the company.
- It bridges the gap between the company’s VISION and action plan, i.e., the BUDGET.
- It introduces the nuances of STRATEGIC THINKING.
- It supports growth, whether the company is growing significantly above the market, facing difficulties and undergoing restructuring, or everything is functioning normally!
WATCH THE VIDEO: VIDEO on the Company Strategy Building Program
INVITATION: Andrzej Kochanek Zapytaj o Projekt!