sales up

Sales Development Program

The fundamental goal of most business organizations has remained unchanged from the beginning: to increase sales and broadly improve its efficiency. While almost everything has been said about sales, the challenge lies in applying this knowledge specifically to our organization. This is the essence of the “Sales Up” strategy – adapting effective and efficient practices to our company! Sales management comprises a set of strategies, techniques, and tools directly translating into results. This is particularly crucial in a highly dynamic environment where solutions need to be implemented immediately to drive progress.

Both B2C and B2B sales have experienced several major breakthroughs, with the latest unfolding before our eyes. Want to know what previous breakthroughs were and how they permanently influenced sales strategies? From methodologies to techniques and actions – book a meeting or conversation!

In dynamic times, it’s crucial to set the pace and build sales strategies based on short- and medium-term results. Testing various solutions and directions along the way remains equally essential. The key is assembling the right set of tools and activities—the quantity, frequency, quality, and precise targeting of actions toward the market and customers. Another foundational analysis involves resources: the right people, their knowledge and skills, structure, finances, trade strategies, marketing, social media, etc. Additionally, examining how we acquire or generate leads and structure the “SALES FUNNELS” in our company provides insights into where our current and future customers are and which outreach methods are most effective.

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Today, we propose starting with the SALES UP WORKSHOP. The workshop aims to unite the sales and marketing teams around the company’s goals, collaboratively examine market dynamics, and align thinking and motivation. Together, we’ll analyze both short- and longer-term perspectives.

Key steps include:

  • DIAGNOSIS: What’s the current state? How are we operating, and what results are we achieving?
  • POTENTIAL: What does the market look like? Who are our competitors? What does the current situation mean for our business and clients? Are there technologies in or outside our domain that we can engage or utilize better? We’ll explore the potential within the market and its surrounding volatility, determining how to harness it. Where do we want to be?
  • ACTION: DEVELOPMENT PLAN: We’ll discuss the action plan over a 1-to-3-year horizon.
  • SHARED MINDSET AND TEAM INTEGRATION: The workshop aims to integrate the team around upcoming actions, unify thought processes regarding goals and activities, and develop a plan for success.


4VALUE Business Consulting’s Sales Strategy Development Methodology leverages the latest research in the field:

  1. SALES PROCESS AUDIT: What’s the current state? How are we operating, and what results are we achieving?
  2. POTENTIAL ANALYSIS: Which of the latest sales methods and tools will be most effective in the current context?
  3. SALES STRATEGY: Develop and implement a strategy incorporating the latest trends and advancements in the field.
  4. IMPLEMENTATION, ACTIONS, AND MONITORING: Select initiatives for implementation, organize them into an action plan, and ensure consistent execution and monitoring.

The entire approach is rooted in analyzing and diagnosing the current sales system, defining needs and business goals, crafting a robust strategy and action plan, and subsequently implementing it with ongoing monitoring and adjustments. In today’s environment, finding the right approach to progress in sales is critical—choosing elements that support both present and future sales growth.

The 4VALUE program is based on proven, effective sales models backed by experience, research, and comparisons with best market practices!

“TOOLBOX” – Today’s Most Effective Sales Tools:
  • Sales process: Learn how to create “Sales Leaders”!
  • Latest sales methodologies: Spin-selling, Challenger Sales, Sales Up!
  • Building “sales funnels” tailored to specific campaigns and actions
  • Defining customer value
  • Sales standards: What makes a difference, and what should they rely on?
  • Prospecting, segmentation, and targeting: Offer creation, referrals, recommendations, and action sequences
  • MCM, Social Selling, SEO, and content marketing
  • eCommerce strategy: Core business or a complement to traditional lines
  • The art of achieving goals: See what underpins the success of top market companies!
  • Sales at events, webinars, conferences, networking, etc.
  • Business problem-solving sales

Additionally, we foster sales growth through the Sales Academy and Sales Mathematics.

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